"Obama is not a American citizen We Will not take it anymore"
Uncle Tom's Cabin Fever.
Hawaii Boys Who Fought & Died For Freedom: Medal Of Honor Heroes
Punchbowl National Memorial Cemetary of The Pacific
"Lotta furrin-soundin' names here, Yawl SURE these boys is Murkins?" Well, they fooled the President of the United States, if they're not. While Republicans have been hiding safe at home, Hawaii men and women have been fighting for their freedom, and dying in Afghanistan, Iraq, Kuwait, Vietnam, Korea, WW2, WW1... Auwe!
"Obama born in Hawaii = not a natural born U.S. citizen? "
Yes, the Baltic precedents always rule, here. What would Latvia do, that is ALWAYS the question we Americans must ask ourselves.
' Ponder this, from the U.S. Constitution: No person except a natural born citizen [...] shall be eligible to the office of Presiden. Barack Obama was born in Hawaii. If you consider the history and believe that Hawaii is not legally a part of the United States, as many do, then one might ask, is Obama a natural born citizen of the United States? One could even make the argument that being born in Hawaii, he's a Hawaiian national! I believe the most compelling legal analysis based on Hawaiian kingdom and international law and precedent, is that the Hawaiian national population today is comprised of descendants of Hawaiian subjects and those foreigners who were born in the Hawaiian Islands prior to 1898. But it is a gray area that obviously hasn't been tested. In looking at the Baltic states as what I believe is the most apt comparison, Latvia and Estonia adopted this approach, with only descendants of citizens and persons born in the country prior to the occupation being citizens, while Lithuania adopted a more inclusive approach, providing those born in the country subsequent to the occupation with the option of citizenship as well. Could Obama have the option of becoming a Hawaiian national at some point in the future as the transition unfolds? '

"Hawaii’s fallen warriors"
The Hawaii Medal Of Honor: Aloha for the koa.
' Lawmakers will pay tribute to service members who have died in the past year by awarding the Hawaii Medal of Honor. Since the medal was conceived in 2005, lawmakers have awarded 120 medals in 2007 and 67 last year to surviving spouses and family members. Takai, in a House floor speech earlier this month, said, "It has almost been five years since the war on terrorism began. While there continues to be much debate for and against this war, there is no debate about the tremendous sacrifices made by our service members and their families." He added, "In the past five years, the war against terrorism has changed our world and our lives in a profound way. Ultimately, it's not about politics, it's not about money and it's not even about winning. It's all about the families and their loved ones and what these brave men and women sacrificed to our country." Among the 19 families who will be present Tuesday will be Regina and Fabian Gagalac, whose son, Sgt. Alexander Gagalac, would have celebrated his 29th birthday on Friday. Gagalac was killed Sept. 9, 2007, just weeks before he was to return home. He died in Al Hawijah, Iraq, from injuries sustained from a rocket-propelled grenade while on a combat patrol. Gagalac, a Leilehua High School graduate, was assigned to the 2nd Battalion, 27th Regiment, 25th Infantry Division. He was serving his second combat tour in Iraq when he was killed. On Good Friday, nearly three dozen of the Gagalac family and the mother's side of the family gathered at his Punchbowl grave site to celebrate his birthday and that of this twin brother, Alexis. Both brothers were in Iraq at the same time in 2004 -- Alexander with the 25th Division and Alexis with the 1st Stryker Combat Brigade, sent from Fort Lewis, Wash. Alexis Gagalac left the Army and re-enlisted into the Hawaii Army National Guard and was assigned to Alpha Troop, 1st Squadron, 299th Cavalry. Regina Gagalac said the last time she saw her son Alexander was when he was home on leave last year and celebrated his 28th birthday. The death of his twin brother has also deeply affected Alexis Gagalac, who has left the Hawaii Army National Guard and will transfer to the Hawaii Air National Guard. He visits his brother's grave site every day, carefully tending to it as he did on Friday when he removed a small American flag because it was tattered and replaced it with a newer one. '
"The President of the United States in the name of The Congress takes pleasure in presenting the Medal of Honor to"
Francis is still the only Chinese-American ever to have won the Congressional Medal of Honor: Salute Capt. Wai.
' *Wai, Francis B.
Rank and organization: Captain, U.S. Army, Headquarters, 34th Infantry. Place and date: Leyte, Philippine Islands, 20 October 1944. Born: 14 April 1917, Honolulu, Hawaii. Entered service at: Honolulu, Hawaii.
Captain Francis B. Wai distinguished himself by extraordinary heroism in action, on 20 October 1944, in Leyte, Philippine Islands. Captain Wai landed at Red Beach, Leyte, in the face of accurate, concentrated enemy fire from gun positions advantageously located in a palm grove bounded by submerged rice paddies. Finding the first four waves of American soldiers leaderless, disorganized, and pinned down on the open beach, he immediately assumed command. Issuing clear and concise orders, and disregarding heavy enemy machine gun and rifle fire, he began to move inland through the rice paddies without cover. The men, inspired by his cool demeanor and heroic example, rose from their positions and followed him. During the advance, Captain Wai repeatedly determined the locations of enemy strong points by deliberately exposing himself to draw their fire. In leading an assault upon the last remaining Japanese pillbox in the area, he was killed by its occupants. Captain Wai's courageous, aggressive leadership inspired the men, even after his death, to advance and destroy the enemy. His intrepid and determined efforts were largely responsible for the rapidity with which the initial beachhead was secured. Captain Wai's extraordinary heroism and devotion to duty are in keeping with the highest traditions of military service and reflect great credit on him, his unit, and the United States Army.
"The President of the United States in the name of The Congress takes pleasure in presenting the Medal of Honor to"
Hawaiian Superman, and just a Private.
Rank and organization: Private First Class, U.S. Army, Company C, 23d Infantry Regiment, 2nd Infantry Division. Place and date: Near Pia-ri, Korea, 17 September 1951. Entered service at: Oahu, T.H. Born: 10 October 1928, Waianae, Oahu, T.H. G.O. No.: 58, 18 June 1952.
Pfc. Pililaau, a member of Company C, distinguished himself by conspicuous gallantry and outstanding courage above and beyond the call of duty in action against the enemy. The enemy sent wave after wave of fanatical troops against his platoon which held a key terrain feature on "Heartbreak Ridge." Valiantly defending its position, the unit repulsed each attack until ammunition became practically exhausted and it was ordered to withdraw to a new position. Voluntarily remaining behind to cover the withdrawal, Pfc. Pililaau fired his automatic weapon into the ranks of the assailants, threw all his grenades and, with ammunition exhausted, closed with the foe in hand-to-hand combat, courageously fighting with his trench knife and bare fists until finally overcome and mortally wounded. When the position was subsequently retaken, more than 40 enemy dead were counted in the area he had so valiantly defended. His heroic devotion to duty, indomitable fighting spirit, and gallant self-sacrifice reflect the highest credit upon himself, the infantry, and the U.S. Army. '
"The President of the United States in the name of The Congress takes pleasure in presenting the Medal of Honor to"
An engineer from the pineapple fields, who gave his life for his comrades.
Rank and organization: Corporal, U.S. Army, 173d Engineer Company, 173d Airborne Brigade, Republic of Vietnam. Place and date: Camp Radcliff, Republic of Vietnam, 20 March 1969. Entered service at: Oahu, Hawaii. Born. 10 December 1949, Wahiawa, Oahu, Hawaii.
For conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity in action at the risk of his life above and beyond the call of duty. Cpl. Kawamura distinguished himself by heroic action while serving as a member of the 173d Engineer Company. An enemy demolition team infiltrated the unit quarters area and opened fire with automatic weapons. Disregarding the intense fire, Cpl. Kawamura ran for his weapon. At that moment, a violent explosion tore a hole in the roof and stunned the occupants of the room. Cpl. Kawamura jumped to his feet, secured his weapon and, as he ran toward the door to return the enemy fire, he observed that another explosive charge had been thrown through the hole in the roof to the floor. He immediately realized that 2 stunned fellow soldiers were in great peril and shouted a warning. Although in a position to escape, Cpl. Kawamura unhesitatingly wheeled around and threw himself on the charge. In completely disregarding his safety, Cpl. Kawamura prevented serious injury or death to several members of his unit. The extraordinary courage and selflessness displayed by Cpl. Kawamura are in the highest traditions of the military service and reflect great credit upon himself, his unit, and the U.S. Army. '
More pictures of Punchbowl.
Labels: America, birth, born, certificate, citizen, FOREIGN, hawaii, Indonesia, Kenya, Kingdom, natural, Obama, parents, separatists, sovereignty, State, United States
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The irony is that "Keating Five" McCain was the one whose status as a natural born US citizen was open to legitimate question.
The fact is, both McCain and Obama, had he actually been born abroad, would have been covered by the same 100-year old law that makes citizens of those born abroad of American parents.
Obama was born of an American mother in a Hawaii hospital two years after Statehood. The State has published the documentation. End of story.
Obama's still black, though, and liberal. That's enough to make the Right hate him.
This is just the Repukelickin's inability to accept or support free, full and fair elections. They can't win fairly, and they can't even lose fairly. Losers even at losing, the "conservative movement." More like a bowel movement.
We should start deporting them immediately. They've obviously not Americans. They oppose everything this country stands for. Enemy aliens. Let them move to Texas and secede. As soon as they've paid back all the liberal tax money they've spent.
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