Well, we still don't have comprehensive, meaningful reform of our nation's anti-terrorist infrastructure, three years after 911. And we never will have real reform of the way Congress oversees all that. So, it's interesting that the United States Senate can focus on something as NON-critical as file-sharing in these times of crisis.
Even more interesting that the Republican majority, who never ever thought of protecting music-listeners and buyers against music industry rip-offs over the years (the real cause of music sales slumps), is now going after the listeners. By fixing prices, the music biz definitely stole actual $5, $10, $15, $20 bills from you, over and over again, for years. By file-sharing individual songs off crappy albums you would never have bought, you might steal potential pennies from them once in a while. So who are we going after? You.
Likewise, they never thought of protecting the artists who produce the music against the mafia-like music biz. $20 CDs notwithstanding, many of your favorite artists never saw much if any money from their efforts, even the big hits. And they still don't. Many of the greatest musicians in US music history have died without a dime to their names, because the record companies ripped off every last penny. Hey, no law against it, right?
Well, now the Repukelickins are writing a law to allow the same greasy record execs to go after your favourite file-sharing service, just as they wrote a law allowing the record mafia to go after you right in your own home. Conservatives object to the "trahl-loyahs" helping you to sue their corporate buddies for free, on contingency. But they want to help those same corps's armies of lawyers sue you. Don't forget, good buddy, the conservatives stand for the common man. Oh, wait, no, they stand ON the common man. Common mistake.
"Record industry sues fans for illegally downloading music from internet"
"U.S. Senate to Weigh Bill Targeting Web Song Swaps"
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