You Might Need Them, Later, For A Wedding Or Something.
Don't tell me you FORGOT!!!??? No worries, just check out the websites below. You don't have to do, or not do anything. It's called "freedom." We're just kickin' it around. If it catches on, we might try a T-shirt or something. Carry on.
Straight, I mean, gay from the horse's mouth. Wow. That sounds bad.
' The worldwide media attention surrounding our massive grassweb efforts for gay rights has been tremendous. Join the Impact was a HUGE success and will continue to thrive because of our efforts. We've reacted to anti-gay ballot initiatives in California, Arizona Florida, and Arkansas with anger, with resolve, and with courage. NOW, it's time to show America and the world how we love. Gay people and our allies are compassionate, sensitive, caring, mobilized, and programmed for success. A day without gays would be tragic because it would be a day without love. On December 10, 2008 the gay community will take a historic stance against hatred by donating love to a variety of different causes. On December 10, you are encouraged not to call in sick to work. You are encouraged to call in "gay"--and donate your time to service! December 10, 2008 is International Human Rights Day. CLICK HERE to join us, and search or add to the list of human rights organizations that need our help RIGHT NOW. '
"'Call in gay' in Utah? You could be fired"
Better just call in "bi-curious."
' Utah lesbians and gays who join a national movement and skip work today by "calling in gay" are risking their jobs. Besides missing a shift in a slumping economy during the holiday season, employees can be fired in the Beehive State simply for being lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender (LGBT). Equality Utah, as part of its Common Ground Initiative, is hoping the Legislature changes that in 2009 by making it illegal -- in a bill sponsored by Rep. Christine Johnson, D-Salt Lake City -- to dismiss workers because of their sexual orientation. "There certainly is that risk" of being fired for calling in gay to work, said Mike Thompson, executive director of Equality Utah. "Consideration for employment or promotion in the workplace … should be based on performance and not on a person's sexual orientation or gender identity." '
"Few likely to notice 'Day Without a Gay'"
In Tennessee, it's OK to marry your sister. It's not OK to marry gay.
' Sean Hetherington, a California native now working as a West Hollywood personal trainer and comedian, said he saw the outcry after the Nov. 4 loss at the polls and decided to organize. He's encouraging gay employees and their supporters to "call in gay" and try to have an impact on commerce. But in Tennessee, most workers don't dare miss a day in light of the bad economy, and business owners say they can't afford to close and lose the income. "It couldn't come at a worse time to make a statement," Kiera Stilson, who works at OutLoud! Books & Gift store on Church Street. Its customer base is primarily Middle Tennessee gays and lesbians. "Considering how bad the economy is, people are worried about having a job and were thinking twice about taking the day off," she said. "I think it's a good idea, just bad timing." Several Tennessee groups declined to participate, said Chris Sanders, president of Tennessee Equality Project, a statewide organization advocating for gay rights. Sanders said the best way to help the same-sex marriage cause is to reach out to lawmakers. "We've given all our local chapters an option to participate, and none of them were interested," Sanders said. "Memphis, Knoxville, Chattanooga and Murfreesboro didn't. You know, Nashville is a bit more open, but in many parts of the state, it's not an option to call in gay. You can easily lose your job." Federal job protection is extended to groups based on religion, gender, and race or ethnicity but not sexual orientation. '
"365Gay.com Breaks Down Calling in Gay"
For those who simply MUST work today:
' Can’t call in Gay? You can still join in making a HUGE Impact.
Some of us are extremely lucky to work in a pro-LGBTQ company. People are out and proud and want to continue their impact at work. Others live in one of the 30 States where you can still be fired based on your sexual orientation. We encourage you not to risk calling in if you fear for your job.
That said, here are 5 ways you can make an impact tomorrow:
1. Volunteer your time and services after work
2. Do not buy anything
3. Do not watch TV or use your cell phone
4. Do not go online (yup, don’t even visit this site tomorrow)… Online advertising is everywhere and a simple page load could cause money to be spent.
5. Do not buy lunch (and don’t go out today to get what you need for lunch tomorrow), find something you already have and pack your lunch. '
[Cross-posted at CoffeeHouseStudio by cosanostradamus.]
Labels: Boycott, Day Without A Gay, job action, protest, support gay marriage, worldwide
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