A Clownish Mayor Made "Heroic" By The Tragedies Of Others
Rudy Giuliani was never one to let a photo-opportunity go by. Let some upstart artist smear an image of the Blessed Virgin Mary with elephant dung, and Rudy was out there in front of the cameras, swinging his jaw like Mussolini. The fact that he was playing to every Catholic voter in the five boroughs and beyond, some might say pandering to them, is simply an observation of Rudiana at its' worst.

What business the mayor of the cultural capitol of the world, especially the art world, had in chipping in his moronic altar-boy's two lira in such a fashion, and on a subject he is not qualified to even think about, Io non lo so. Perhaps he was trying to make it up to the goombas for making his bones prosecuting the Dapper Don, another oleaginous Long Island icon. During the Gotti trials, every Italic scumbag in America puffed up his pigeon chest to declare with pride that he was somehow "connected" to the mafia wopocracy. These are the same people who show their disrespect for the Mother of God by planting ugly shrines to her in the place normally reserved for a pink flamingo in the tackiest sort of a garden. So, who cares what they think about anything?
Well, greasy Rudy does. Nobody else would vote for him. Anybody else would look at Rudy's real record, not his imposing collection of ignorance and prejudices. Rudy was, lets face it, a bad mayor. OK, for one, bright, shining moment, before which he probably carefully combed his comb-over for the cameras, Giuliani was the only authority figure in America willing to show his face, on the Eleventh and Twelfth of September, 2001. Bush and Cheney were hiding. Who even remembers who the Governor of New York was on that day? No Cabinet members, Senators, Congressmen, Supreme Court Justices, Admirals, Generals, or dog-catchers of memory said or did anything on that day. Of course, maybe they were busy catching dogs. But Rudy was busy mugging for the cameras.
That was Rudy all around. Always there to take credit, to leap into the spotlight. Never there to accept responsibility, or make things right. He took credit for former Boston Police Commissioner William Bratton's work in reforming the NYPD, which was rotting to the core under Rudy. He actually drove his own NYPD Commissioner Bratton out, all the way to LA, and took 100% credit for the reforms he had in fact opposed. But Rudy wasn't anywhere to be seen when whole precincts were caught drug-dealing, from the precinct commander on down to the meter maids. No Giuliani photo-ops when cops were caught sodomizing a man in custody, with a toilet plunger. Or shooting innocent, unarmed black men, for no reason, on their own doorsteps. Or terrorizing schoolgirls on their Dept of Education beat. Or rampaging through the city in drunken orgies of violence whenever something displeased them. No Giuliani press conferences at all, then.
In fact, I was a witness to just such an incident in my own neighborhood, during Rudy's first mayoral campaign, against the benighted David Dinkins. Rudy addressed a rally of PBA members near City Hall and One Police Plaza. The rally was fueled by mass quantities of beer brought in specially for the cops. I saw it being hastily delivered to a cop-bar across from City Hall. It wasn't even cold, but they were sucking it down. Rudy whipped the drunken cops into a frenzy with wild perorations and accusations against Dinkins, and the blue mob, many in uniform, proceeded to riot throughout Lower Manhattan, even shutting down the Brooklyn Bridge at rush hour. I heard the cops yelling at City Hall, calling Dinkins, who was the City's first black mayor, a "janitor," a "shoe-shine boy," a "street-nigger," and worse. This was their Commander-In-Chief, "America's Mayor," at the time. But their hearts belonged to Rudy. Although many of them had second thoughts after 9/11.
Not the next police chief, Bernie Kerrick, though. He knew which side his bastone was buttered on. He quickly rose from Rudy's body guard/ driver, to head the largest police department in the world. He distinguished himself by setting new standards of corruption, nepotism, incompetence and opportunism. He followed Rudy into the corporate world, and then tried to parlay his 9/11 connections into the top cop in the nation's job, head of Homeland Security. The fact that he was not qualified to spit-shine a real cop's shoes went completely unnoticed. At least, until intrepid bloggers, and courageous journalists outed him as even worse than most Bushies. And this was Rudy's hand-picked capo. Ma'don'!!!
So, when oil-slick Rudy pleads for your vote, promising whatever he thinks you want to hear about abortion, gun-control, immigration, Iraq, ad nauseum, remember 9/11. Remember one man who profited by it. No, not Bush or Bin Laden. They may have perpetrated it. But Rudy was just there real quick with a bucket, ready to scoop up the collateral benefits before the towers had even finished falling. Even as men, women and children were plunging to their deaths. Even as firefighters were rushing into a holocost, only to be annihilated. Even as the entire world witnessed the horror on live TV. There was Rudy, sticking his face in the frame, visibly planning his next campaign.
Don't forgive him. Forget him.
(And MCCAIN, too)
Labels: 9/11 whore, fascist, opportunist, piss christ, rudy giuliani, world-class trade center fuck-up
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