Republicans: "Christians"? "Moral"?? "Better For America"???
"Economists: McCain better than Obama for stock markets"
Pay Attention, Class: Here's The Real History:
The headline above refers to an OPINION by several individuals whose political allegiances are not mentioned. It is NOT based on fact, but it is presented as such uncritically by our tame corporate media. Here are the FACTS, all referenced:
1. Republicans have always been bad for the economy, especially low-income workers & the Middle Class.
2. All the major recessions and depressions in U.S. history have taken place during or immediately after a Republican Administration.
3. The Republicans have run up the biggest deficits in history, under Nixon, Ford, Reagan and the Bush's.
4. The Stock Market and Employment always go DOWN under the Republicans, UP under the Democrats. We always LOSE JOBS under the Republicans. Always. We always GAIN JOBS under the Democrats. Always.
5. Republicans never cut taxes on the Middle Class: Only on the Rich.
6. Republicans pass the rest of the taxes on down to the States, Counties and Municipalities to pick up the slack for payment of services at the local level, which always costs more and is paid almost entirely by the Middle Class through regressive sales and property taxes that penalize honest labor and hard work.
7. Republicans cannot defend America. They tried to hide from their good friends, the Germans in WWI & WWII, refusing to fight until it was almost too late. They allowed America to be attacked on 9/11, and they have done nothing about it. Osama Bin Laden is still out there, running free, plotting more attacks against us, while Bush wastes lives and billions of dollars in Iraq, defending his oil buddies.
8. Republicans cannot win a war. They just quit in Korea, without a peace treaty being signed: We are still in a state of war there, with tens of thousands of U.S. troops stuck there, still at risk after over fifty years. The Republicans lost the war in Vietnam, and ran out with their tails between their legs. The Republicans started a war with Iraq in 1990, and quit before it was finished, ten miles from Baghdad, leaving Saddam in power. Then they went back in 2003, and they still can't leave. The Republicans do not know how to win a war. They have not won a war in over one hundred years.
9. The Democrats fought and won World War One and World War Two, keeping the world safe for democracy and free enterprise, and keeping the homeland safe and secure. When the country needs defending, you need a Wilson or a Roosevelt, not a Nixon or a Bush.
10. The Democrats always increase pay & benefits for service men & women and veterans. Always. The Republicans always cut pay & benefits for the military & our veterans. Always.
"Bush to leave a record budget deficit of $482 billion"
"McCain backs off his no-new-tax pledge"
"Dollar falls amid weak confidence, record deficit"
"Oil price could reach $500 a barrel: Iran "
"Wall St hammered by bank jitters"
"Majority of Jobless in U.S. Don't Get Benefits"
"McCain defends opposition to GI Bill"
"Suicide hot line got calls from 22,000 veterans "
"Forgotten war in Afghanistan creeps back to the forefront"
"56 killed in wave of suicide attacks in Iraq"
"Pakistan sets limits on hunt for Osama bin Laden"
"Obama talks tough on Osama"
[Posted by cosanostradamus. Cross-posted at Coffee House Studio. Thanks to Rainbow Demon for allowing us to post it there. Rock on, RD.]
Labels: bush, DOLLAR, ECONOMY, GI BILL, HISTORY, JOBLESSNESS, McCain, oil, veterans, WALL ST, war
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