Holly Battles Supernatural Forces, Kris Drives
(Part Thirteen; Part One is HERE.)
Holly got out of the car with her heart in her throat. She was afraid, but she was angry at Kris for saying she was afraid, even more. Nobody called her afraid, nobody! She wasn't scared of anything or anybody. Hadn't she lived on the streets for two years? What could there be out here in the country that was worse than anything in Honolulu's Chinatown, a bazaar of drugs, sex and violence?
Still, it was goddam dark out here. There were so many little sounds that Holly could not tell where they all came from. It was still raining lightly, and there was no moon and no stars. Holly could barely make out the trees in the distance, and the mountains looming overhead.
Holly thought she heard something large, scurrying in the tall grass quite near her. She turned towards the noise, but saw nothing. She looked back at the car, but she couldn't see it. She heard the scurrying noise again, and turned all around, looking for the source of it. She saw nothing in the darkness. She couldn't see the car anywhere. Now she wasn't sure which direction she came into the field from. She was lost, fifty yards from the road.
She heard whispering, and thought it was Kris, sneaking up on her. "Kris?" She kept hearing the whispers, drawing close and then pulling away. "Not funny, Kris. Where the F**k are you? I can't see you."
Kris... A whisper.
"What the f**k, man! Come on, where are you? I don't want to play this game any more! Let's go back to the car. I'm scared, OK, I admit it! Where's the f**king car???!!!"
Car... Another whisper.
Something touched her leg, and Holly whipped around. There was nothing there. Something touched her other leg. Holly turned quickly, swinging her arms. Nothing. A third time, something touched her, right in the crack of her butt. Holly jerked herself around, trying to kick the thing that was touching her. She slipped and fell, and felt something on top of her, barely touching her. "Cut it out! QUIT IT!!!"
Quit... Only a whisper, right in her ear.
Holly screamed and rolled furiously around in the tall grass, trying to strike out at the thing that was touching her, trying to get away from it. It touched her everywhere, stinging now, burning her flesh. She screamed louder, but there was no answer. No one was there. She got up and ran towards the road, or where she thought it was. She found herself in the trees, farther from the road. There was a lot of noise in the trees. There were things all around her now, she thought, terrified.
She crouched down under a bush and held herself very still. Whatever it was, it wasn't going to get her. Then she heard something very large, crashing through the brush, cracking sticks and grunting heavily. She wanted to scream, but she held herself quiet. A monster of some sort, big and smelly, came rooting around her. Suddenly, it was in her face, grunting and breathing foul air on her. She screamed with all her might. The giant boar squealed and backed away, then turned and ran off into the woods.
Holly stood up and looked around frantically. She thought she saw a light, off in the distance. She began running towards it. It was her only hope, her only point of reference in the darkness. It might be something monstrous, horrible, deadly. But it was all she had, and she ran for it.
Kris slammed on the brakes. Holly had run right out in front of him. He'd just turned the car around and come back from checking out the valley. She ran to the rear left passenger door and pulled on the handle. She screamed when she found it locked. Kris popped the locks and Holly jumped in the back of his cab.
"GO GO GO!!!!"
"What's wrong?"
"Not till you tell me what's the matter."
"There's something in that field, it's after me, it touched me and it bit me and it chased me into the woods and one big pig almost got me and I was lost and I couldn't find you and it's coming to get me so just GO!!! PLEASE!!!"
"OK, OK. So, I guess you are chicken, hunh?"
"I. AM. NOT. F**KING. CHICKEN. YOU. *SSH*LE!!! JUST. GO!!!" She hit him in the back of the head, and he saw stars. Something tapped on his window, and he hit the gas reflexively, veering off the road until he grabbed the wheel and regained control. He sped off into the night, looking in his rear view mirror as he went. There was an army of ghostly figures on the road behind him, or so it seemed. He kept going. Just in case.
[ PART FOURTEEN TOMORROW copyright 2008 Cosa Nostradamus.]
Labels: addict, blues, Chinatown, christmas, cocaine, crack, downtown, driver, hawaii, ho, holiday, Honolulu, prostitute, story, street, taxi, underage, Waikiki, whore, Xmas
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