Let The Filth Begin!
The flap this week over Obama's racist pastor. The old fart's ignorant remarks in church. The phony reaction to it all. Just the usual racist bushwa. As Obama says, we all have a crusty old aunt, uncle or somebody who embarrasses everybody at the Thanksgiving dinner table with their asinine remarks on race, gender, sexuality, politics, immigration, foreign affairs, etc.
For the most part they are harmless. One of my father's brothers was famous for shocking everyone else's kids with his endless torrents of abuse of anyone and everyone in any perceived group. But he would have been the first one to stop on the freeway and help absolutely anybody fix a flat. So, he wasn't a complete asshole. More of an incomplete asshole.
I've also known "blacknecks," as I've come to think of them: Black rednecks who subscribe to all sorts of looney notions that would put John Birch to shame, about Jews, Mexicans, Catholics, whites, etc. Almost without exception, they're harmless. An embarrassment to their more open-minded, and more fortunate children and grandchildren.
I say more fortunate because most of them are. All of us are. But blacks of the older generation had to suffer things most of us can't even imagine. African-Americans born before 1950 lived in a world of unchallenged Jim Crow. Black men could be arrested, tried and executed, or just lynched, for so much as a suspicion that they had even thought of looking at a white woman, much less putting their hands on one. Simply being the wrong color in the wrong place at the wrong time was a death warrant waiting to be executed.
The general disrespect for and deliberate humiliation of blacks was so intense and so pervasive that it took a kind of internal revolution among and within blacks and the black community to overcome it. It was a very trying time for everyone who lived through it, but it led to the much better world we live in today.
This is not to say that everything is great between the races now. We still have cops profiling, harassing and even killing innocent black men and women. We still have gross social inequities in law and medicine, housing and political representation, jobs and education. We still have race as a divisive issue in this campaign.
In fact, this campaign may serve to force this issue to the forefront. The wrongs have not all been made right. The wounds have not all healed. The attitudes have not all been corrected. As a member of an easily-perceived racial minority here in Hawaii, I have great respect and admiration for the self-control and perserverence of black people and other minorities on the Mainland, in retrospect. Even with what little I have to put up with, I can see they must be almost saints to have suffered so much worse things for so much longer, without going nuts.
The real injustice in this case lies in focusing on black racism, and dismissing white racism. Yes, Virginia, and South Carolina, and Iowa, there is racism among blacks. But what white person has ever been wrongfully arrested, unreasonably accused, unfairly tried, unjustifiably convicted, and vindictively executed or sentenced to an extra-long stretch in prison by black cops, black prosecutors, black juries, black judges and black corrections officers? What rich black hospital, clinic or doctor has refused treatment to a poor sick white man, woman or child? What black public school has closed its doors to white students? What black landlord has denied housing, or provided substandard housing to a white tenant? What black employer has denied employment to a well-qualified white job-applicant? What great and undeniable historical and contemporary wrongs has the dominant black establishment inflicted upon the white masses?
Read a little history. The holocaust was terrible, but much shorter. Likewise the Irish potato famine. Asians and Hispanics have suffered much in this country, but not for as long. Women and gays and immigrants and religious minorities all have suffered injustices under our system. Only Native Americans have suffered as much as African-Americans. But only blacks were ever considered legally to be property, and treated as such: Mere inanimate objects without the rights God gave a farm animal, or a house pet. Only blacks, based entirely upon their skin-color, were held as slaves for hundreds of years, and still marked for injustice for over a hundred years after slavery just by that skin-color. Before Emancipation, a child could be sold away from his mother, a mother sold away from her children. A man could be killed outright by his "owner," with no legal retribution. It was illegal to teach a black child to read and write, or do skilled trades. It was illegal for blacks to move about freely, or to assemble in any fashion except for social occasions, and church.
That's how the black church became the main, and often the only institution in black society. That's why it is still so important today. Like the Catholic Church in Communist Poland, it was a refuge and a safe haven, a place where an oppressed people could speak freely and organise to fight for their freedom. That's why black churches became a political target for white terrorists right on into the 1990's.
And that's why it is so foul, so obviously deliberate, so purposefully destructive for Hillary and her Republican friends in the media to be attacking Obama's religion, and religious affiliation now. It damned sure is not an accident. Can you imagine even FuxSnooze investigating Hillary's pastor? Or any white politician's church? Jimmy Carter's home church refused admission to blacks, but that was passed on. Does anyone even know what John McCain's religion is? Has anyone ever even dared to ask?
All of this, brethren and cistern, is to be expected. Did you really think a black man, even a half-black man, could become President of these United States without a little turmoil? Without a little mud, and maybe even a little blood being spilled? If Billary & McCain are trying to scare us off, they need to recognize that we won't have this bullshit, not now, not ever again. We will stand up to it, and it will be Billary and McCain who wither under our gaze. Let them be scrutinized for this, not Obama. That they even bring it up is an indictment upon them, for connecting themselves to the dishonorable, racist elements of our past. In the words of some intemperate black preacher of bygone years, "We shall overcome, motherfucker."
Labels: black racism, media manipulation of elections, white hypocrisy
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