That Was Il Duce's Revised Name For Fascism
Somehow, the word fascist has become a cliche, a joke, a meaningless epithet. Maybe we over-used it in the recent past. It certainly has meaning, in Italian politics and world history. But it is most often heard today in the tired old diatribes of the antique Left, and in the rants of today's true fascists right here in the good old USA: "Islamofascism," "Feminazi's," etc. When Rush-to-Limbo can call somebody else a fascist, you know the word has lost its' utility.
Despite some controversy over the exact phrase, it was the Pope of Fascism himself, Benito Mussolini, who claimed that Fascism should have been called Corporatism. Definitions differ, but here's one of Il Duce's own:
"The Labour Charter (Promulgated by the Grand Council ofr Fascism on April 21, 1927)—(published in the Gazzetta Ufficiale, April 3, 1927) [sic] (p. 133)
The Corporate State and its Organization (p. 133)
The corporate State considers that private enterprise in the sphere of production is the most effective and usefu [sic] [typo-should be: useful] instrument in the interest of the nation. In view of the fact that private organisation of production is a function of national concern, the organiser of the enterprise is responsible to the State for the direction given to production.
State intervention in economic production arises only when private initiative is lacking or insufficient, or when the political interests of the State are involved. This intervention may take the form of control, assistance or direct management. (pp. 135-136)
Benito Mussolini, 1935, Fascism: Doctrine and Institutions, Rome: 'Ardita' Publishers."
Public Eye
Semantics aside, fascist is as fascist does. Fascism in Europe and America was not an intellectual movement, it was all about violent action.
(Result: 60 million dead in WWII.) There is little there to analyze or critique. It's an ideology without many ideas. It's a gut reaction to the realities of the modern world: Smash them! But it is also an attempt by those already rich and powerful to co-opt people's anger, hatred and fear, to force a return to a sort of medieval State, with corporations in the dominant role of the Nobility in fusion with the subservient government as King and the local version of religion as supportive Church. Which would make the rest of us peasants. We might have jobs or businesses, and apparent ownership of land. But real ownership and control of everything in our lives would vest in the Gawd-fearin' Corporate State, always at war with somebody, and making a profit at it. Profit would be our God, Economics 101 our Bible, and greed our religion.
To fight this, we have to fight the corporations, to take back control of our State. The term Corporatism has some utility here, though you'll never hear it on F*ckSnooze. The Fourth Estate in our emerging medieval-fascist-corporate system is, in fact a part of the Nobility, and no longer a "free press." They are the house organ of Corporatism. They don't represent us peons at all. They just try to sell us stuff, including religious, corporate and government lies. They are the heralds of the emerging World Corporate State, with trumpets and banners and lots of commercials. We are nothing but their audience, their market, their rubes and suckers.
There never was a place in any power-scheme for the peasantry. They could only be a fifth column in a system which did not even recognize their existence, except as raw materials, sources of troops, labor and wealth: Blood, Sweat and Gold. Today, they are us, or soon will be, if we don't get up off our asses and reclaim the hard-won fruits of the reformations, enlightenments, and revolutions we have already won over the centuries.
Most of all, fascism is dependent upon fear and delicate feelings, scruples and ideals of fair play, cowardice and comfort among the rest of us. That's why our elections become such brutal spectacles: To keep us out of them. So, hold your nose, put on your helmet, carry a big stick, go out and talk softly about freedom and democracy and individual rights. Fascists hate that. But we outnumber them, if we show up. Show up.
Inspired by:
The Rogue Voice.
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