In Georgia As In Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia, Conservatives' Tough Talk/ No Action Policy Invites Disaster
Budapest, 1956. Prague, 1968. Sarajevo, 1992. Eisenhower, Nixon, Bush.0 all encouraged uprisings against tyranny, then let the fighters be slaughtered. Always tough on talk, soft on Communism and Fascism, Republicans love defense spending, building up a big military machine and making huge profits for their real constituents, the multi-national corporations. They just don't know what to do with all that hardware once they've got it, like a little boy with an erection.
Thousands are being slaughtered once again after responding to Dubya's dick-teasing mixed signals: Flirting with former Soviet Republics in defiance of the mighty Russian military machine, then pussying out when push comes to shove: Like a little bitch who starts a bar-fight, then runs shrieking into the parking lot when the bloodshed starts.
In the aftermath of Dubya's kow-towing at the Chinese Communist Torture Olympics, the world can now view a sideshow on the other end of Asia: The spectacle of George "Bring It Awn" Bush cowering before the Red Army in South Ossetia and Abkhazia. Dubya will do nothing to stop the slaughter of innocent civilians and staunch American allies as the world watches our Republican-crippled military pissing in their pants, afraid to move against the mighty Russian Empire only a few minutes away by jet-fighter.
The Republicans have stretched our military thin and worn out our National Guard and Reserves. We can no longer come to the aid of our friends and allies abroad. We cannot even respond to emergencies at home. The Republicans have brought America to its' knees.
George W. Bush and John McCain are weak, pathetic, accommodationist appeasers. Republicans are weak on defense and weak on terror. Soft on German Nazism, soft on Chinese Communism, soft on Islamo-Fascism, soft on Russian Imperialism. Once again, George W. Bush has allowed an attack to go unpunished. His hand-picked replacement, an ineffectual, white-haired little old man best known for surrendering to the enemy and making propaganda films for them, is simply too weak and scatter-brained to fight for freedom. For all his tough talk, he lives off a woman and wears an adult diaper. The Russians are counting on his election.
As long as the lily-livered Republicans are running things, the world knows that it can kick America in the crotch and then stand there laughing at us. Cowardly Bush hid in a kindergarten while his close family friends the Arabs bombed Wall Street and the Pentagon. Traitor Bush let his business associate Osama Bin Laden get away scot-free while Dubya sent our under-strength un-armoured military to be slaughtered for the oil companies' interests in Iraq, even as they skyrocketed our gasoline prices at home.
Incompetent fool Bush let North Korea create and build up an arsenal of nuclear missiles pointed at our homeland, within range of Alaska and Hawaii, and our military bases in Japan; selling more nukes off to Islamofascist Israel-hating Iran and Pakistan. Cheap whore Bush's corporate buddies took Chinese money to look the other way while they supplanted us as the world's sole economic and military superpower, destroying the U.S. economy, slaughtering innocents across Africa and Asia, and denying Christians the right to worship God. That's right: George "Dubya" Bush supports Communist Chinese who deny Christians the right to freely worship God. The Republicans have even betrayed God.
So, how can God-fearing, truly conservative American Christians vote for these traitors? Obviously, they are all possessed by the Devil themselves. This calls for a mass exorcism in November.
"U.S. limited in Georgia crisis"
' Saakashvili and Bush seem to share a good personal chemistry. Bush visited Georgia in 2005; during Saakashvili's return visits to the White House, the two joshed about folk dancing and their wives' luncheon plans. In March, at a White House appearance, Saakashvili thanked Bush for supporting Georgia's aspirations to join NATO and for "protecting Georgia's borders." "I think this is a very unequivocal support we're getting from you," the Georgian leader told the US president, for the cameras. Perhaps the Georgian leader thought the US would come to his aid if he got in trouble. If so, he did not take into account the drain that Iraq has been on US forces and the US standing in the world – or the American need to work with Russia on other important geopolitical issues, such as the effort to curb Iran's nuclear program. "In many respects, Saakashvili got too close to the US, and the US got too close to Saakashvili.... Perhaps that made him overreach," says Charles Kupchan, senior fellow for Europe Studies at the Council on Foreign Relations. Ukraine, among other nations, will surely watch the outcome of this crisis closely, according to Mr. Kupchan. US hopes of girdling Russia with Western-oriented governments now appear in question, as Moscow reasserts influence over its "near abroad." US hopes that Russia would be essentially a benign economic partner may also have been dashed when Russian tanks rolled into Georgian territory. "Victory in this war with no consequences for Russia will reinforce antidemocratic forces in Russia, increase the militarization of its foreign policy, and encourage Russia to take more risks elsewhere on its borders," says Stephen Jones, professor of Russian and Eurasian studies at Mount Holyoke College in South Hadley, Mass. '
"US has only tough talk for Russia"
' Mr Bush did undermine some of the power of his words by accidentally referring at one point to an attempt to overthrow the government of Russia, rather than Georgia. But he did strongly re-iterate a call for the Kremlin to agree to a ceasefire, the restoration of the situation as it stood on 6 August and an end to the violence. There was no word in the statement of any consequences if the Russians fail to comply though - a reminder of the harsh truth that the West has relatively few diplomatic cards to play against a powerful neighbour which controls much of Europe's energy supplies. '
"Bush says he is "deeply concerned" about Russian offensive in Georgia"
' Bush said such steps, if they occur, would be "inconsistent" with assurances the United States had received about Russia's limited aims in the area. '.
Labels: George Dubya Chamberlain, McCain Soft On Communism, Republican Appeasers, Right Betrays Georgia, Right Wing Loses South Ossetia
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