Some Places Are More Friendly Than Others. We Don't Reward The Others. Just These:
Yup. This months belated -again- Cosie Awards are going out to our peeps & homies and all the big dawgs & kewl kitties in the left-wing political blogosphere that have allowed us to post links to our bloviations right here in Smalltime, USA. We're not going to wait for Gawd to reward them; he's a notorious procrastinator. (Look how long it's taking to wrap up this Universe thingie! SEVEN DAYS, He said! Typical builder.) So, we're sending out the crystal arrowhead (or whatever it is) to these folks well in advance of Judgment Day, in case they need to pawn them in the meantime. What with these being such mean times, and all. Check 'em out:
"Stop Saying That"
Acid rationality & sweet reason, by the shot or by the pint. Drink up.
' Do the Republicans ever listen to themselves? Do they ever think about what they’re saying? Or does somebody pull a string in their back and out come the talking points? -Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell … “Americans don’t want a government-run system that puts bureaucrats between patients and doctors.”- Senator McConnell, shut up. Just. Shut. Up. '
"Will Republican leaders denounce rash of racist comments directed at President Obama and his wife?"
Self-appointed watchpersons over the whole healthscare thingie and other stuff, these folks even engage with right-wing trolls in their comment section. Not sure why. It's like talking to a wall with nasty written stuff on it. Bring a bucket of liberal paint.
' I know the traditional media has its hands full providing exhaustive coverage of the David Letterman-Sarah Palin saga, but when they get a minute, maybe they can look into the racist and bizarre comments Republican activists are directing at President Obama and his wife. As I mentioned the other day, a Republican activist in South Carolina just compared Michelle Obama to a gorilla. Not to be outdone, today, another Republican activist in SC posted this gem on Twitter: “Just heard Obama is going to impose a 40% tax on aspirin because it’s white and it works.“ Funny stuff–but wait, there’s more. A Republican staffer for a Tennessee state senator emailed a block of paintings and photographs of U.S. presidents. The white presidents were shown in their actual likenesses–Obama was depicted as a disembodied cartoon set of eyes–get it?–he’s a “spook“. '
"Don't Expect Ensign to Resign"
THE place to go for real poll numbers, named for the number of Electors in that notorious "College" which chooses our Presidents. Nate Silver outdid the "experts" in the 2008 Democratic primary races, and he continues to do so himself. His secret? Good math, common sense and applied political savvy. A winning combination. Just ask Barack Obama.
' Nevada Senator John Ensign today disclosed that he'd had an extramarital affair with a campaign staffer. This will make for plenty of interesting water-cooler gossip, particularly since Ensign has a penchant for calling on people to resign for various and sundry moral and ethical lapses -- notably Larry Craig, Bill Clinton and Ted Stevens (but not David Vitter). It seems unlikely, however, that Ensign will resign himself. Although Nevada's governor is a Republican and could appoint another Republican to replace him, that would nevertheless trigger a special election in 2010, when Democratic incumbent Harry Reid is also on the ballot. Nevada Republicans have a very poor bench right now and are already having trouble recruiting a credible candidate to run against the unpopular Reid. They might have a lot of difficulty retaining Ensign's seat in the event of a special election, or alternatively, might compete for it at the price of giving Reid a free pass. '
"Will Obama’s Firing of an Inspector General Evolve Into a Major Scandal?"
This blog manages to stay on top of stuff better than most. Not a knee-jerk Democratic supporter, sometimes quite offensive, bordering on hate-speech in the comments. But that's the cost of free speech, sometimes. The haters condemn themselves.
' This didn’t take long. Not six months on the job yet and President Obama could be facing a major political scandal. Last Wednesday, a man named Gerald Walpin, a U.S. inspector general investigating the possible misuse of Americorps funds, received a surprise call from the Obama White House informing him was fired. The firing was seen by some as politically motivated and highly illegal. The bottom line: Gerald Walpin accused a prominent Obama supporter of misusing AmeriCorps grant money. After an investigation, the prominent Obama supporter had to repay back more than $400,000 of the grant money and Obama fired the inspector general who shined light on the matter in the first place . '
"Poop on the moon, and how to protect it"
On Boing Boing, and only on Boing Boing. Cory Doctorow's personal foibles, fetishes & phobies spread out for all the world to see, every day.
' When Neil Armstrong first took that one small step onto the moon, he left behind more than just a footprint. Among the many items still sitting in the Bay of Tranquility are; Neil Armstrong's boots, a gold replica of an olive branch, tongs, four armrests, urine collection assemblies, a hammer, an insulating blanket, and... four defecation collection devices. Yes, Neil Armstrong's poop is moldering on the moon. While bags of frozen astronaut poop may sound unimportant, even a little gross, some "extreme heritage" conservationists are very concerned about their protection--as well as the other detritus left behind by humanity's first moonwalkers. For now, Tranquility Base is still tranquil (there is no wind or rain up there to damage things), but preservationists worry that private space enterprises will one day endanger the Apollo landing site, as well as other important landmarks on the moon. From the Lunar Legacy Site: '
"Some 'neighborhood watch': Forde's Minuteman spinoff outfit was about 'starting a revolution against the government' "
Turn off the Fuxsnooze of the day and check out the real news of the day. The name says it all.
' Remember how all those right-wing pundits proclaimed the Minutemen as being just like a neighborhood watch? Michelle Malkin called it "the mother of all neighborhood watches." Lou Dobbs labeled it "this country's biggest neighborhood watch program". Bill O'Reilly declared: "Talking Points applauds the Minutemen. They are in the great tradition of neighborhood watch groups." Boy, that sure is some neighborhood watch: Accused ringleader Shawna Forde told her family in recent months that she had begun recruiting members of the Aryan Nations and that she planned to begin robbing drug-cartel leaders, her brother Merrill Metzger said Monday in a telephone interview from Redding, Calif. "She was talking about starting a revolution against the United States government," he said. '
The Cosie Awards

All the Cosie winners, so far.
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