To Whom It May Concern (Does That Include You, Dear Reader?)
We wish to file an official complaint, for immediate action. For many years now, the Rush Limbaugh radio program has been nothing but a three-hour-long Republican campaign commercial, every day of the week, all year long. As such, it should have been listed as a series of financial contributions to every Republican candidate for every office at the Federal level since the inception of the program, based on the price of a 30-second advertisement on the show, multiplied by 60 minutes, multiplied by three hours, multiplied by 5 days, multiplied by 52 weeks, multiplied by 22 years: A very substantial unreported campaign contribution of free air-time to Republican candidates only. We demand that it be treated as such, and that all Republican office-holders be charged with failure to report it.
Calling this show "entertainment" or "news & current affairs" is sheer fraud. What the show is is propaganda masquerading as news & commentary. It is consistently and deliberately biased, unfair and misleading, deliberately designed to distort important issues, sway naive voters and poison our polity. Add to this the daily promulgation of hate speech and calls for violence against public figures and the public can only wonder where the Federal government is when all this is going on.
Janet Jackson's wardrobe malfunctions and Howard Stern's potty-mouth are nothing compared to the daily obscenity of Rush Limbaugh calling for the failure of the very country that affords him free use of taxpayer-owned airwaves. The Supreme Court may or may not know obscenity when they see it, but all Americans know it when they hear it. Rush Limbaugh is obscene and must be fined and removed from the airwaves immediately. Any radio station that carries his filth should have its' license revoked forthwith.
It's time that government parasites and corporate boot-lickers did their jobs, serving the average American, not the corporations and the rich. If you can't, then resign. Anyone could do a better job of protecting our democracy from abuse and assaults from within. Do it now or quit today.
Complain about the Rush Limbaugh Program:
FCC: Contact
"How to Contact the FCC"
Wake 'em up!
' To Contact the Commissioners via E-mail:
Commissioner Michael J. Copps: Michael.Copps@fcc.gov (Chairman)
Commissioner Jonathan S. Adelstein: Jonathan.Adelstein@fcc.gov
Commissioner Robert McDowell: Robert.McDowell@fcc.gov '
FCC: Complaint Categories
"File A Complaint: Choose a Complaint Category"
So many violations, so little time.
' Unauthorized, unfair, biased, illegal broadcasts (does NOT include Obscene, Profane or Indecent material)
Deceptive or unlawful advertising or marketing by a communications company (does NOT include Telemarketing)
Unauthorized, unfair, biased, illegal broadcasts (does NOT include Obscene, Profane or Indecent material)INCLUDES:
-Illegal or bribed advertising on a public broadcasting station (e.g. advertising alcohol during certain hours)
-Biased or distorted news stories by the media
-Unauthorized broadcast of telephone conversations
-Broadcasting threatening or intimidating statements about an individual or group
-Announcement of Station ID or Call Sign
-Unfair contests, hoaxes, lotteries
-Unlicensed broadcasters '
FCC Consumer & Governmental Affairs Bureau
"File A Complaint: Choose a Filing Method"
Mail, messenger, hand-deliver, telegraph, email, phone, fax or file online.
FCC: Complaints
"FCC Form 2000: Online Complaint Form"
Complete this form online to charge bias, threats & intimidation
FCC: Forms
Download, print, complete and fax or mail this form to charge bias, threats & intimidation.
Complain about specific Washington Republicans like Senator Mitch McConnell and Congressman John Boehner receiving unreported election campaign contributions from Rush Limbaugh, the Rush Limbaugh Program, Premiere Radio Networks, Clear Channel Communications & your local radio stations:
FEC: Complaints
"Filing a Complaint"
Be sure to mention Rush Limbaugh and your least favorite Republican
Any person may file a complaint if he or she believes a violation of the Federal Election Campaign Laws or Commission regulations has occurred or is about to occur. The complaint must be made in writing and sent to the Office of General Counsel, Federal Election Commission, 999 E Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20463. The original must be submitted along with three copies, if possible. Facsimile or e-mail transmissions are not acceptable. A complaint must comply with certain requirements. It must:
* Provide the full name and address of the person filing the complaint (called the complainant); and
* Be signed, sworn to and notarized. This means that the notary public's certificate must say "...signed and sworn to before me...," or words that connote the complaint was affirmed by the complainant, (such as “under penalty of perjury”).
Furthermore, in order for a complaint to be considered complete and proper, it should:
* Clearly recite the facts that show specific violations under the Commission's jurisdiction (citations to the law and regulations are not necessary);
* Clearly identify each person, committee or group that is alleged to have committed a violation (called the respondent);
* Include any documentation supporting the allegations, if available; and
* Differentiate between statements based on the complainant's (the person who files the complaint) personal knowledge and those based on information and belief. Statements not based on personal knowledge should identify the source of the information.'For more information on how to file a complaint, call the Office of Complaints Examination & Legal Administration Division (202/694-1650). All media inquiries and questions concerning the status of a complaint should be directed to the Press Office (202/694-1220). Both offices can also be reached, toll free, at 800/424-9530.
Federal Election Commission
999 E Street, NW
Washington, DC 20463
(800) 424-9530; (202) 694-1100
www.fec.gov '
FEC: Compliance
"Quick Answers to Compliance Questions"
Here's how to complain about campaign finance violations by Rushbo & Co.
' * How do I file a complaint?
* What penalties can the FEC impose for violations of the law?
* What is the Alternative Dispute Resolution Program?
* What is the Administrative Fine Program?
* What is a MUR? '
FEC: About The FEC
Your representatives in safeguarding elections.
FEC: About The FEC
"The Commissioners"
Call or write them today.
' Federal Election Commission, 999 E Street, NW, Washington, DC 20463 (800) 424-9530 In Washington (202) 694-1000 '
FEC: The Chairman
"Chairman Steven T. Walther"
Email the boss.
' Contact the Commissioner's Office: CommissionerWalther@fec.gov '
FEC: Office of the Deputy Staff Director/Chief Compliance Officer
"John D. Gibson, Deputy Staff Director/Chief Compliance Officer"
Let him know you're watching.
' Contact
800-424-9530 (press 0, then ext. 1181)
Federal Election Commission, 999 E Street, NW, Washington, DC 20463 (800) 424-9530 In Washington (202) 694-1000
For the hearing impaired, TTY (202) 219-3336 '
FEC: Special Counsel for Complaints Examination and Legal Administration
"Gregory R. Baker, Special Counsel"
Tell this guy you're on the case now.
' Contact
Toll-free: 800-424-9530 (press 0, then ext. 1650)
Locally: 202-694-1650
Federal Election Commission, 999 E Street, NW, Washington, DC 20463 (800) 424-9530 In Washington (202) 694-1000
For the hearing impaired, TTY (202) 219-3336 '
Labels: Ban, Boycott, Clear Channel Communications, Complaint Forms, Contact Info, FCC, FEC, How To Complain, Premier Radio Networks, Revoke license, Rush Limbaugh Program, stop
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