(Part Eleven; Part One is HERE.)
No Moon, No Stars, A Dark & Stormy Night In Hauula
Kris stood watching the black ocean slamming the beach. It had begun to rain hard, and the wind was howling. There was no sign of Holly. There was no one else crazy enough to be on the beach on a night like this. No one to help him find her, no one to rescue her, no one to report her drowning. He could turn and walk away, and it would be as if Holly had never existed, except in his mind. Kris turned and began to walk away.
Something cold and wet slammed into him from behind. He fell to the ground, the wind knocked out of him. He struggled to get the cold wet thing off of him. It was Holly. She was laughing. She rolled on top of him, naked.
"You were gonna leave me, you buggah! Did you think I drowned? Hah-hah-hah! I never did! I was lying right in the surf over there, watching you. You scared of the ocean or something? Why you never took your clothes off? You miss me?" She grabbed his crotch. "Ho, not much!"
"It's cold out! You scared the sh*t out of me. What do you expect?"
"More than that, braddah, more than that! Hah-hah-ha! Come on, you like me give you one blowie, fix 'em up?"
"No thanks. Come on, I'm freezing my ass off out here. I'm covered with sand, and so are you. This is not fun."
"So what you like do? Nahtting? Go home? You baby! We came all the way up here for nothing?"
"Yeah, I guess so."
"Eh, let's go take a shower in the bathrooms. Wash off the sand. Come on." Holly got off Kris and ran off towards the bathrooms. Kris got up and followed her.
Holly was already all rinsed off when Kris got to the showers. She pushed him under the shower, and yanked his boxer shorts down.
"Eh, not so bad. Whatsamatter, shy, you?"
"Yeah. I'm shy."
"Can fix." Holly knelt before Kris in the shower and took him in her mouth. Just then some homeless guy popped out of the darkness.
"EH! What you doin'? I can get some?"
"Ew, no, get lost."
"No, you get lost! I live here! You f**king haoles!" He came towards them menacingly. Kris tried to pull up his boxer shorts. Holly grabbed a flip-flop someone had left in the shower. She smacked the homeless guy in the face with it, and he stumbled backwards on the slippery floor and fell, hitting his head hard on the wall. He lay there still and quiet.
"Dere! Good for you! Goddam homeless!"
"Shit, Holly, I think you killed him."
"No way. He faking, scared I gonna kill 'em for real."
"Come on, let's get out of here."
"OK, OK."
They went back to the car and Kris popped the trunk. He got a towel out and handed it to Holly. She dried herself and handed it back to him. She rummaged in the trunk until she found his box of cassette tapes. He toweled off and they got dressed and got back into the big Cadillac. Lightning struck somewhere behind them, and then thunder roared.
"OH SH*T!!! What the Hell!!!???"
"You never heard thunder and lightning before?"
"Not much. Not so close. Let's get out of here."
"First good idea you've had all night."
"What, you don't like me, now? Come on, let me do you one time."
Just then a cop cruised by, slowly. He seemed to be looking for something. Kris started the car and put it in gear, rolling off in the opposite direction from the cop. He was glad he'd left his taxi dome sign in the trunk. They loved to hassles cabbies. It would have been hard to explain what he was doing up here at night with a teenage hooker. He rolled off slowly toward Turtle Bay, and the Windward Side of the Island.
"Where we going now"
"Away from the cops."
"Eh, no worry about dem. I know dem all. I blow dem all. HAH!"
"You mad now? Where you taking me?"
"Fred's Bakery, Sunset Beach, next stop."
"Oh, goodie! I hungry. You like grind?"
"Maybe a bite."
"I bite you!" She bit him.
"Too hard? Hah-hah-hah! Sorry."
They rolled on down Kamehameha Highway in the rain. Nothing was open. Fred's Bakery was dark. Kris kept going, headed East and then South, more or less. Holly had gotten his tape box out of the trunk, and she was riffling through it. She found an 80's mix tape and popped it into the cassette deck. Dance music blared from the speakers. Kris turned it down. Holly turned it back up, though not as loud as before.
"Eh, you like dis kine music? I love dis kine music. I used to be one stripper, always play da kine."
"I thought you had to be 21 to be a stripper?"
"No, 18. I lied. They busted me. I got fired by da cops. Buggahs. Eh, dis is gay music, you know."
"It's not my tape."
"Whose, den?"
"Dunno. Some girl. Probly got one of mine."
"Hey, that's the Hilton! What happened to Fred's?"
"Closed. You didn't see?"
"No. So, you gay? Or you just don't like me?"
"I like you fine."
"So, you like fool around?"
"Not while I'm driving."
They were rounding the north-east corner of the island, by the shrimp farms of Kahuku. All the shrimp trucks were closed up, their "GARLIC SHRIMP," "FRESH SHRIMP," "SHRIMP BY THE POUND" signs flapping in the high winds. Kris rolled on, heading south towards Hauula.
"I think you gay."
"I'm not."
"Prove it."
[ PART TWELVE TOMORROW copyright 2008 Cosa Nostradamus.]
Labels: addict, blues, Chinatown, christmas, cocaine, crack, downtown, driver, hawaii, ho, holiday, Honolulu, prostitute, story, street, taxi, underage, Waikiki, whore, Xmas
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